Posts Tagged ‘Personnel Concerns’

A While ago I Posted this Post Well I Finally Got Fed Up – Sent an Email to HR  and since I posted that I’ve had a lot of inquiries as to what’s going on, so I thought I’d share the following conversations I’ve had with the HR Manager for my area:

The following day I received this email from the HR Director:

“Hi Lara,

I am the HR manager for your area and I have received your email.  I am looking into your concerns and will follow up with you next week. Thank you for reaching out.”

I am keeping the HR Manager’s name out of this, the following email chain followed:

From Me: “Thanks XXXXX!  I do appreciate it.”

And then for 8-Days Natch, sent this follow-up:

“Good Morning XXXXXX,

Just Following up, curious if you’ve had any luck gaining headway with this issue?  Or if there’s more information you need.
Happy Friday!”
Her Response: ” Happy Friday back at YOU!I am working on it and think I have all the information I need, I have a follow up meeting set for Tuesday. Keepyou posted.  Have a good weekend.”

My Response: “Awesome! Thanks so much!!! I do appreciate you looking into this for me.

Have a Great Weekend!”
Her Response: “Don’t thank me too fast.”
My Response: “I’m not I just appreciate someone finally taking my concerns seriously, Boss Lady always just gives me those non-answers and to finally have someone looking into it is something I appreciate.  Trust me.”
Her Response: “We will talk next week. Don’t be too rough on Boss Lady, I got all my information from her.”
Internally I rolled my eyes thinking to myself “Wonderful, Wonder what crap answer she gave the HR Manager”
11-Days Passed with Nothing Further, I sent this follow-up:
“Good Morning XXXXX,

Hope you had an amazing Memorial Day Weekend! We did, hit the beach twice w/the kiddos and just hung out at home.
Just following-up on this request, have you made any headway, have any updates?
And yet again no response until I sent this email 5-Days Later, I came down with a nasty cold over the weekend and was to say the least less than pleased I had to try and work at home all the while take care of this nasty cold
“Good Evening XXXXX,

Following-up again on this, haven’t heard anything back yet and curious what’s doing.
Also just wanted to give an example of a concurrent issue this lack of benefits causes – I’ve been up and down all weekend w/this cold like thing cough runny to stuffy nose low grade fever and I emailed Boss Lady to let her know that I’d be out tomorrow – BUT working from home – when I really need another day to rest and maybe even check in with the Dr – but because I can’t afford to lose anymore pay on top of what was lost last Monday – Memorial Day, I am in a bind.  I’ve worked at home when nauseated – literally when sitting up made me feel like I was going to hurl because I couldn’t afford to lose the income – worked through Mono earlier this year because again couldn’t afford to lose the income.
Any update at all would be wonderful!
FOUR Days Later I get this Response:
“Hi Lara,I know I probably sound like a broken record with all of these different travel schedules. But your concerns really have been researched a number of us have been traveling. As a matter of fact I am currently in CA. I will be back in the office on Wednesday. Let’s try to catch up maybe that afternoon on Thursday morning.”

I responded in Kind with this:

“Ok thanks for letting me know – was getting concerned there for a moment.

And yes, Thursday sounds great!”
And in the between there I hosted one of the finance guys from our corporate office and the poor thing got an ear full from me about everything – my need for paid time off, benefits, lack of a 401K, and why I thought my Boss isn’t willing to give me benefits, telling him I didn’t want that to get back to Boss Lady…he understood – his disdain for the corporate BS Game was something he also discussed…he too was thoroughly astounded that me and this other woman in my office were in the boat we’re in…so we shall see…
That’s where I am right now…waiting for Thursday.